We invest in companies and the people behind them, preserve values and traditions, secure jobs and promote the regional economy.
- We invest in German SMEs
- We work on equal footing with management teams
- We pay taxes in Germany
We invest in companies and the people behind them, preserve values and traditions, secure jobs and promote the regional economy.
With Speer Group, we are creating an investment company that makes the knowledge of funds and investment banks accessible to medium-sized businesses. In doing so, we help business owners securely pass their life's work into caring hands and enable investors to expand their portfolio by investing in profitable medium-sized companies.
Wir investieren in Unternehmen und die Menschen dahinter, erhalten Werte und Traditionen, sichern Arbeitsplätze und fördern die lokale Wirtschaft. Dazu investieren wir in solide mittelständische Unternehmen, die wir im Zuge einer Buy-and-Build Strategie skalieren, professionaliseren und internationalisieren. Dabei arbeiten wir mit Management-Teams daran, Ihre strategischen und wirtschaftlichen Ziele zu erreichen. Für Investoren bieten wir Zugang zu Off-Market Deals, die begeistern.
For investors, we offer access to Germanise "Hidden-Champions". We take full care of the management of portfolio companies while providing information on the development of your investment on a quarterly basis.
Integrity is our top priority
Business only with 'good people' on good deals
We rely on strong teams, performance and trust
We take responsibility in society